CereTax is a proud partner of The Comm Law Group

The Comm Law Group

Companies navigating telecom compliance frequently underestimate the mind-bending complexity of a legal and regulatory environment built on shifting sands and, often, non-existent legal precedents. Companies that confront these challenges also tend to vastly over-estimate the cost of legal advice. An aversion to investing in an affordable legal consultation early in your company’s entrance into the telecom, VoIP, and Cloud Communications markets exposes companies to high (yet highly avoidable) risks. The hidden costs of getting no advice, or worse, bad advice, eventually rears its ugly head, ultimately costing multiples more than the modest upfront investment in obtaining sound, practical, and pragmatic guidance that is only available through an experienced telecom firm. Developing a straightforward, affordable approach to compliance, in partnership with a team of the country’s most experienced telecommunications legal professionals, helps ensure you are managing compliance costs, risks, and opportunities at the outset. The CommLaw Group supports companies of all sizes, from small market entrants to established multinational corporations, providing unparalleled guidance grounded in our unique blend of business savvy, rich and in-depth knowledge of the rules, the players, and practical experience. The CommLaw Group’s telecom experts will support your onboarding and mapping to Ceretax, test your billing and invoicing outputs, map your catalogue to USAC’s schema crosswalk, and identify paths to optimize, get ahead of, or avoid common traps in the regulatory landscape as your company grows.

You need an intelligent tax platform built for the evolving tax landscape.